The bigger the stage for your presentation or speech, the more you need to scale up your performance, the more scope you have to use oratory and rhetoric and the more control you have over the situation.
Pitches and meetings tend to be small gatherings, where you need to speak and act more naturally. On the surface, this may appear easier than addressing a large crowd, but it can be more of a challenge to be fluent and articulate when you want to disguise the fact that you’ve spent hours rehearsing. The secret to pulling this off is all in the method of preparing, which I will share with you as part of the coaching.
Another challenge is avoiding any interruptions that may put you off your stride. In a big presentation, it’s much less likely someone will suddenly pipe up with a question or comment, whereas in a group of six or so, people feel comfortable doing that. We can discuss techniques you can use to minimise or eliminate interruptions and get your message across in the way you want to.
The number of people in your audience may be low but the stakes are high. How you present yourself, your company and your product or service plays a crucial role in getting the result you want. Of course, other factors are involved, but let’s focus on the area where you have the most influence: the impression you make on the potential buyers or investors. You have far more influence over this than you may imagine, and presenting yourself with authority and sincerity can be the single element that tips the scales from a no to a yes.
If you’d like to make more impact at meetings, all it will take is a few practical and psychological adjustments to your approach. Even though you’ll be answering questions or bringing up points in a discussion, rather than making a presentation, the right preparation makes it incomparably easier. This will automatically give you more impact and it will also give you confidence, which becomes an upward spiral.
As with all public speaking, this kind of coaching is usually most effective on a one-to-one basis. If you’re looking for help with putting yourself across at board meetings, for example, one to one is the way to go.
One-to-one coaching is tailored to suit you and your individual needs. It’s also completely confidential and a safe space to experiment and try out your new skills.
If you’re going to be pitching with a colleague or two, let’s discuss the best way to approach this. We could do a joint session, individual sessions for each of you or a mixture.
A one-to-one session lasts an hour and a half. In that time I can give you the tools you need to prepare, rehearse and speak naturally at your pitch or meeting, while giving your audience every reason to listen to and respect you.
Coaching in person – £225 for a 90-minute session, plus travel outside Manchester and any room-hire
Coaching via Zoom – £195 for a session up to two hours
Online coaching is very nearly as good as meeting in person, but it can take a bit longer. To reflect that, I’m happy to offer you some extra time, to make sure you get the full benefit.
It’s very easy! We just need to find a time and a place to meet. In fact, if we’re working via Zoom, we don’t even need a place.
Contact me, let me know what you need and we’ll make a plan to suit you.